Community Health Outreach Programs
St. John’s Regional Medical Center and St. John’s Hospital Camarillo share a commitment with others to improve the health of our community. St. John's Hospitals serve all residents of Ventura County, including populations of several federally designated Medically Underserved Areas. We provide a wide range of community health outreach programs and services to address significant health needs for our communities as identified in the Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA).
Community health outreach programs include financial assistance for those unable to afford medically necessary care; a range of prevention and health improvement programs conducted by the hospitals in conjunction with community partners; and investing in efforts that address social determinants of health.
Programs include:
Health Ministries Basic Needs Program and St. John's Food Pantry
St. John's Health Ministries Basic Needs Program seeks to alleviate the non-medical barriers to seeking health care by assisting underserved, low-income individuals with food, shelter, and transportation. The program provides groceries, financial counseling, and basic grants for emergency housing, utilities, transportation, and medications.
The community-based St. John's Food Pantry in Oxnard has provided social and health services to underserved, low-income residents of Ventura County since 1985. In Fiscal Year 2022, the program distributed 293,000 pounds of groceries and served 4,800 people.
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Community Wellness and Education Programs
St. John's offers several prevention and health improvement programs to improve the well-being of community members. Click here to explore the current catalog of classes and events. Programs include:
Senior Wellness Program
The Senior Wellness Program provides supportive and safe healthy behavior programs, including super-vised and monitored mobility and exercise opportunities, regular blood pressure and A1C (glucose) testing, and early referral and self-management health education to prevent a medical crisis and hospitalization.
Diabetes Education and Support Group
St. John's provides outcomes-based bilingual education and follow-up support to those who are pre-diabetic or diabetic, and their families, so they are empowered to manage their diabetes and avoid unnecessary hospitalization or use of the Emergency Department. St. John's also offers monthly diabetes support groups in English and Spanish that include presentations by physicians.
To learn more about St. John's Community Health Outreach Programs, click here >
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