Planned Giving
The Frontier Society at St. John's
The St. John's Frontier Society welcomes individuals who have provided for St. John's Hospitals through their wills and living trusts. As an important element of an estate plan, a will enables someone to direct the distribution of their property; provide for the people they love, safeguard an estate from necessary taxes and court costs, and designate a portion of one's assets to help ensure the future of St. John's Hospitals through a gift. Planned gifts of all amounts are welcome. Every contribution makes a difference, whatever its size. Call our office for membership details (805) 988-2868.
Planned and Deferred Gifts
Incorporating charitable gifts into your financial and estate plans can have tremendous benefits for both you and your favorite hospitals, both now and in the future. For types of gifts anyone can make, contact the Foundation at 805-988-2868 or FoundationSJHF@DignityHealth.org.
There are a number of different gifting methods that can be used to maximize your giving power, while also providing for yourself and your heirs, here are just a few:
A bequest is perhaps the most popular and simplest type of planned gift. Through your will, you may donate any type of asset (cash, stock, real estate, etc.) or a specific amount, percentage or residual of your estate. Most people have heard the phrase, "Last Will and Testament," and understand that it outlines a person's wishes for the distribution of his or her assets. But, a Last Will and Testament is not merely a set of instructions; it is an expression of your "will" to provide for loved ones, to support the work of charitable organizations, and to leave a personal legacy.
Charitable Trusts
A planned gift can be structured so that you retain the right to lifetime income. With such "life income" gifts, you benefit now and St. John's Healthcare Foundation benefits later, after you have realized all of the financial and tax advantages. Trusts can be funded with appreciated property including real estate and securities. The Charitable Remainder Trust provides income to you and/or your beneficiaries for life or a period of years, with the remainder of the gift going to charity.
For More Information
St. John's Healthcare Foundation suggests that you always consult your personal financial advisor before making any significant gift. If you would like to see how a planned gift might help you and your family to achieve your retirement and philanthropic goals, we can provide you with information and illustrations to share with your advisor.
For more information, please contact the Foundation at 805-988-2868 or FoundationSJHF@DignityHealth.org.